Clinics We Offer
This clinic is run by the midwives who will carry out general health checks throughout your pregnancy.
Anticoagulant - Warfarin Clinic
Monitoring is available through the surgery. Please send an Online/eConsultation or contact reception for more information.
Asthma Clinic
We have a several asthma nurses and offer an annual asthma review. If you are worried about your asthma please contact the surgery.
Baby Clinic with Health Visitor
This is a drop in clinic held by the health visitors offering advice and support for parents with young children aged 0 - 5 years. If you wish to contact the Health Visiting Team directly their telephone number is 01274 322340.
Childhood immunisations are held at the surgery, we will contact parents when they are due.
Cardio Vascular Health Clinic
Our Practice Nurses advise and monitor patients with heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease. They will offer patients an annual review. If you have concerns please send an Online/ eConsultation or contact reception.
Contraception & Sexual Health Clinic
We are keen to support people's sexual health and contraceptive needs. We understand sometimes it can be difficult to ask for help, but would like to assure you that consultations are confidential. Contraceptive services including implants and coils are available at the surgery, please send an Online/ eConsultation or contact reception for more information.
Locala is the local contraception and sexual health service for anyone living in Bradford. This is a self referral service- see link, or telephone 03033309500
Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease (COPD) Clinic
The COPD nurses will invite COPD patients annually for a review. If you are concerned about your COPD please send an Online/ eConsultation or contact reception.
Diabetes Clinic
We are a specialist practice for diabetic care. We have an experienced team who can help everyone, including patients requiring injectable treatment. Diabetics are offered regular health reviews.
Diabetes UK- website with lots of help and advice
District Nurse Clinics
Daily Clinics - the District Nursing team hold daily morning clinics for complex wound care. These clinics are by appointment only.
Drug and Alcohol Services
Bradford New Directions offers support for people and their families struggling with alcohol or drug issues. This is a self referral service (01274) 723863 or click on the link below for more information
Minor Surgery
We perform minor surgery including joint injections at the surgery. For further information please send an Online/ eConsultation (attaching a picture if possible) or contact reception.
We have several fully qualified phlebotomists who can take blood samples at the surgery.
Post Natal and New Baby Clinics
This clinic is run by a doctor for mums and new babies around eight weeks old. You will be contacted when your appointment is due for this clinic.
Social Prescribing Service
We have a Social Prescriber working with the surgery. She provides a link with local services which connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support such as tackling social isolation, lack of confidence, anxiety and stress, budgeting skills and money management and a range of mental health issues.
Please send an Online/ eConsultation or contact reception if you would like to see her.