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National Measles Outbreak


Measles is highly contagious and can lead to complications such as ear infections, pneumonia, and inflammation of the brain which require hospitalisation and on rare occasions can lead to long term disability or death.

Spending 15 minutes or more in direct contact with someone infected with measles is enough to catch the infection. People whose immunity is compromised, pregnant women and unvaccinated children are at increased risk of severe disease.

 Measles symptoms to be aware of include:

  • — high fever
  • — sore, red, watery eyes
  • — coughing
  • — aching and feeling generally unwell
  • — a blotchy red brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.

Anyone with symptoms that could be measles is advised to stay at home and phone their GP or NHS 111 for advice, rather than visiting the surgery or A&E.

This is because measles spreads very quickly and easily and so it is important to try and prevent the illness spreading further.

People who have symptoms should also especially try to stay away from areas where you could come into contact with vulnerable people such as schools, nurseries or care homes.

Remember Measles can be serious and in some cases fatal.

The more people that are vaccinated, the harder it is to catch it.

If you are not fully vaccinated, we strongly recommend you book your immunisation at the earliest opportunity by calling us on 01274 224888.

Find more information on the NHS website

For more information on the MMR vaccine visit the NHS website


Cervical Screening Prevention


Cervical Screening « Whitby Health Partnership

Every day in the UK, 2 women lose their lives to cervical cancer and 9 more receive a life-changing diagnosis.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week is an opportunity to raise awareness on the risks of cervical cancer, and help women and people with cervixes learn about how to reduce these risks and prevent the illness.

It’s vital that you are:

Attending cervical screening when invited; knowing the symptoms of cervical cancer and seeking medical advice if experiencing and encouraging others to do so; knowing where to find support and further information.

Find out more about cervical cancer on the NHS website Cervical cancer – NHS (

See Cervical Cancer Prevention Week | Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust ( for more information on how to get involved in the 2024 campaign

We are again reminding patients to please get your cervical smears booked in if you are overdue!

If you’re unsure when you last had one, or if you’re of the right age please ring on, 01274 224888, and speak with a member of the Bowling Highfield Reception Team who will be able to see if you are due a smear test.

#cervical cancerscreening#cervicalcancerscreening



Prostate Cancer Awareness

Prostate cancer is more common than you think. It is the most common cancer in men with 1 in 8 getting prostate cancer in their lifetime.

That could be you, your dad, uncle, brother, partner or best friend.

This is why Prostate Cancer UK and the NHS have joined forces to launch a campaign to find the 14,000 men who have not started treatment for prostate cancer since the beginning of the pandemic.

Early diagnosis saves lives

New figures show that prostate cancer accounts for a third of those not treated for cancer compared to before the pandemic. Prostate cancer is very treatable if caught early. It’s important for men to know their risk because early prostate cancer often has no symptoms.

Check your risk and share the risk checker with loved ones

It takes 30 seconds to complete and could save lives.

Visit to check your risk factors in 30 seconds

prostate cancer

Living Well

Living Well is the Bradford district whole systems approach to healthy weight and wellbeing. It is a partnership between Bradford Council and the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.  The ‘Living Well’ brand is used to bring coordination to activity from across the area that contributes towards creating a district where it is easier to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Living Well provides information, advice and support to create an environment that encourages people in Bradford district to eat well, move more and maintain good mental wellbeing. To support these aims Living Well also runs district wide campaigns including the ‘20 Minute Movement’ and ‘Swap Well to Eat Well’.

Living Well offers a number of services:

  • Living Well Advisor Service
  • Support to quit smoking
  • Bradford Encouraging Exercise in People (BEEP)
  • Weight management support
  • Child and Families Living Well Service
  • Community Health Workers

Living Well also leads projects in the community working with schools, takeaways, workplaces and the ‘Living Well Academy’ which offers learning opportunities related to health and wellbeing.

To find out more go to the Living Well website.


Living Well

Carers' Resource

Carers' Resource

The Carers' Resource Choices Newsletter for the month of June is now available.


To view the newsletter in full, please click the link below.