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Our feedback
A note on Google reviews- If you have a Gmail (google) email please leave a google review. It is still possible to leave a google review with an alternative account (click on create an account, then use my current email address instead). Alternatively hop onto the NHS choices reviews.
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. It really makes a big difference to our day if we have been able to support you- so your feedback is really welcome.
We also run a number of surveys, results from a recent questionnaire filled in by 70 Bowling Highfield patients:
'How well were you treated by reception?' 94% Excellent/very good/good
'How well did you feel the clinican listened to you?' 95% Excellent/very good/good
'The length of time spent on your consultation was..' 95% Excellent/very good/good
We have regular meetings to discuss feedback. As an example- access to appointments is commonly raised. We have made muliple changes to try and help address this, for example:
- We now offer numerous ways people can access appointments including face-face appointments, telephone appointments (bring people to surgery if needed), E consultations- which we respond to within 48 working hours, pre-bookable as well as emergency appointments etc
- On Tuesdays and Thursdays the surgery is open 8am to 9:30pm.
- We also employ a number of specialist staff e.g. physios, pharmacists, social prescribers who can offer expert advice and free up GP appointments. You can request appointments with these staff directly without a consultation with a Dr.
- We have changed our phone line and website.
How about joining our Patient Participation Group? We would love to have more people involved to help us best meet the needs of our patients. Please ring or email the surgery if you are interested.