How To Order Your Repeat Prescriptions
The quickest and easiest way to order your repeat prescription is via the NHS app or our GP systmonline web page.
The NHS app for your smartphone or tablet is the portal to manage your entire health record, including medication requests. To find out more and download it for your smartphone or tablet, click Getting started with the NHS App - NHS App help and support - NHS (
Don't have access to a smartphone or tablet?
GP Systmonline
You can still access prescription requests via the GP SystmOnline portal SystmOnline Login ( You can register using the webpage or come into the Practice and our Patient Services Team will register you in a matter of minutes.
You can also bring your completed paper counterfoil request into the surgery and hand it in over the counter during opening hours. The counterfoil can be found on the right-hand side of your prescription, all you need to do is tick the items you wish to order.
Please note, we do not accept requests for repeat prescriptions by telephone.
If you are registered for the Electronic Prescription Service, all prescriptions will be sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice automatically.
Please allow two working days for your request to be processed

Electronic Prescription Service
What is the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)?
The Electronic Prescription Service, or EPS, enables prescriptions to be sent electronically from the GP practice to a pharmacy or dispenser of your choice.
With EPS, you no longer need to collect paper prescriptions from the practice as a prescription can be sent securely to your nominated pharmacy where you usually collect your medicines or medical appliances.
How do I start using EPS?
Firstly, you will need to choose the pharmacy or dispenser that will dispense your prescribed medicines.
Your pharmacy of choice will be referred to as your nominated pharmacy and this nomination can be added to your record by a member of our Patient Services Team.
You can change or cancel your nominated pharmacy or dispenser at any time. Simply speak to the practice or pharmacist before you order your next prescription.
Your nomination will only be added or changed at your request.
Medication Reviews
What is a Medication Review?
A medication review is a private, confidential meeting between you and a member of our Pharmacist team or another suitably qualified health professional to discuss your medicines. The discussion may take place over the phone or in person. The aim of the medication review is to check that you are prescribed the most appropriate medicines and that you get the best out of those medicines.
What will happen?
Tests may be made to determine whether the medicine is working (e.g. blood pressure checks). Monitoring may be necessary for the type of medication that you are on.
You will be asked how you are getting on with your medicines; so inform the health professional of any problems you may be experiencing with your medicines.
You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your medicines. If any changes need to be made to your medication, your agreement will be sought before changes are made.
A record of the review will be documented in your medical notes.
What happens if i don't book a medication review?
If you do not book a medication review when requested this will result in restrictions to ongoing prescription requests until such time that a medication review has been completed. This is to ensure that we are prescribing safely on an ongoing basis.